Friday, December 11, 2015

Final Posting- Project is almost done!

Hi Everyone! The only thing left to do on my project is finish up typing my report. It was been a rewarding experience not only for me to learn about the different types of social media uses and the cool things they can do, but also to share that knowledge with others. That is what I hope to do in the future, so I was glad that I was able to jumpstart this goal through this course. I hope everyone has a great holiday break and rest the semester!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

And so it goes!

Hello Everyone! So I had my presentation on Wednesday, and while I enticed with free food, only two particpants showed up. However, I wasn't going to let that rain on my parade- we had a good time! The students there were actually really interested in using the technology in the classroom, and found the activities really fun, and I enjoyed doing them along with them! Here's a picture of our word wall we made as an introductory activity:
Now to work on the analysis part and finish up this project!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Hi Everyone! So tomorrow is the big day- I present to my participants tomorrow! I hope that I have a great group of people. Today, I'm putting the finishing touches on my Prezi Presentation and make sure I have all my components together to make sure that my presentation goes smoothly. I'll be back later this week with comments on how it went!