Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Hi Everyone! So tomorrow is the big day- I present to my participants tomorrow! I hope that I have a great group of people. Today, I'm putting the finishing touches on my Prezi Presentation and make sure I have all my components together to make sure that my presentation goes smoothly. I'll be back later this week with comments on how it went!


  1. I hope your first event went well. Great infographic. I se that you will be using mentimeter.Wish I were in Illinois, I'd join you. (I actually can't believe I just said that in December.) Anyway, Good luck with the next one too. I'll be travelling from LA, wher its 80 degrees this week back to Vegas where its 45 degrees. I do wish I could be at your training. I wiill chek out mentimeter. Take care. Heather

  2. I hope your first event went well. Great infographic. I se that you will be using mentimeter.Wish I were in Illinois, I'd join you. (I actually can't believe I just said that in December.) Anyway, Good luck with the next one too. I'll be travelling from LA, wher its 80 degrees this week back to Vegas where its 45 degrees. I do wish I could be at your training. I wiill chek out mentimeter. Take care. Heather

  3. I hope your presentation went well. Eager to see your results!

  4. I hope your presentation went well and am looking forward to reading all about it.
